
  • Handy git customizations

    Git is complicated, and it seems like everyone has a set of customizations they use to try and make it easier to use. Sometimes it aliases for clarifying what exactly git checkout will do. Sometimes it’s a pre-built ~/.gitconfig file that has lots of tweaks and display customizations and options configured.

  • Adventures in Advent of Code

    I’ve been participating regularly in Advent of Code for the past couple of years. It’s one of the highlights of my holiday season. The puzzles are fun, the stories are appropriately ridiculous, and it’s a neat way for me to keep the cobwebs brushed off some of the things I learned years ago that I don’t regularly use. Every year there are puzzles that take me a couple of minutes to solve, and puzzles that take me hours: I will forever curse the Intcode puzzles from 2019.

  • My First App

    I grew up around technology, so I don’t have good memories of when I really “started” getting in to programming. When I was around 14, I picked up HTML and started playing around with that. I learned to make simple graphics in AppleWorks that I’d embed in those pages.

  • Conditional Compilation, Part 4: Deployment Targets

    Recently I was thinking about the idea I’d posted on simplifying backwards compatibility in Swift, and was also thinking about some of the principles of kindness that I wrote about in my article on API design.

  • Simplifying Backwards Compatibility in Swift

    Every year as new OS and Swift versions are released, the question comes up over and over again: “how do I use this new thing while also supporting older versions?”. While we have a bunch of “availability” tools at our disposal (and I’ll be using them in this post), they always come across as somewhat cumbersome: we need to do inline checks, or we have conditional logic flow that obfuscates the intent of some of our code, and so on.

  • Core Data and SwiftUI

    In the previous post, I shared how you can create custom property wrappers that will work with SwiftUI’s view updating mechanism. I wrote that because I’ve got one other neat property wrapper to share, but understanding how it works requires knowing how to make custom wrappers. Now that I’ve got that out of the way…

  • Custom Property Wrappers for SwiftUI

    As I’ve been working with SwiftUI, I’ve come up with some custom property wrappers that I want to share with you. Most of these are property wrappers that can be easily accomplished using other approaches, but I like these for their expressivity.

  • Exploiting String Interpolation For Fun And For Profit

    A while ago I was playing around with Swift’s string interpolation functionality and come up with something cool I thought I’d share with you.

  • HTTP in Swift, Part 18: Wrapping Up

    Over the course of this series, we’ve started with a simple idea and taken it to some pretty fascinating places. The idea we started with is that a network layer can be abstracted out to the idea of “I send this request, and eventually I get a response”.

  • HTTP in Swift, Part 17: Brain Dump

    I was planning on having a few more posts on different loaders you can build using this architecture, but for the sake of “finishing” this series up, I’ve decided to forego a post-per-loader and instead highlight the main points of a few of them.